We are seeking volunteers from our membership for the upcoming Bar Admission Ceremony & Annual General Meeting 2023, to be held on 20 February 2023. Interested parties may apply via forms.office.com/r/GHuwGMbvaa before: Sunday, 12 February 2023.
My fellow Republicans… you really want this as a role model for your kids? Do you really think the next generation will want to be part of this? I don't
Witnessing 3rd yr of @stateshippingmv in operation & getting to play a role in realising this vision has been one of the greatest pleasures over the past 5 years. It's been an immensely gratifying venture & much kudos to @realkottey & team for spearheading in the right direction twitter.com/stoplc/status/…
Sinking into the horizon, the sun light paints the sky with a masterpiece of orange and pink hues over the crystal waters @Meeru_MV 🌅😍. 🎥IG: stephifashion
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