The face you make when you see your DAY ONES WINNING 😬😬😬 • Soooooo when I was new to the radio game and trying to get a job, I gave @DejaVuSpeaks my mixtape/demo. She didn't know me for real but she hyped me up to……
" Today is the day to let go and release all the things that are causing you pain in your life and stopping you from moving forward! It's time to rise above anything that is bringing you down! You...…
Dominic Cummings had a go at Remainers saying we were all rich elite. This is where he lives. His father-in-law lives in a castle & receives EU funding from the Common Agricultural Policy.
REVEALED: 'Anti-elite' Dominic Cummings lives in £1.6 MILLION Islington townhouse
Boris Johnson's 'anti-elite' chief of staff Dominic Cummings lives in a luxurious £1.6 millio... more
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